Sound absorption can now be a beautiful thing. Combine acoustic panels with infinite design potential and you now have Live Art - Custom Printed Acoustic Panels. From textile-designed surface to a work of art, anything is possible. Use a single panel for an accent or combine multiple panels for impact.
Add high-end design and visual appeal with printed acoustic panels that are innovative and cost effective. A wall covering solution that adds sound absorption and dynamic visual design to your space.
Office acoustic items can optimise the colour and style of the office; they are space efficient and effectively diminish highly reverberated sounds, providing effective acoustic control to lessen the amount of noise in a room. Office décor should not overlooked when it comes to acoustic treatment. Office spaces should function correctly as an acoustically treated space and should look great as well!
Who wants a workspace that looks drab and depressing or has a booming hollow sound? With an infinite fresh colour palette, live acoustic printed panels will make your space inviting and inspiring! Live Acoustics have the expertise in the control of noise and vibration as well as the sound insulation and acoustic treatment of buildings.
We are happy to meet you and have a look at your space and advice on a solution tailored for you needs. Receptions, lobbies, courtrooms, boardrooms, auditoriums, recording studios and theatres.
Live Art - Custom Printed Acoustic Panels are wall mounted or hang from a celling. Use digital artwork, purchased stock image for a single acoustic panel or multiple panels, or prepare larger prints for a whole wall.
Learn how we can provide acoustic treament to any space and make it look great with printed acoustic panels.
Brochure SpecificationsHigh Sound Absorption is very important in open office spaces, lobbies, passages, boardrooms and theatres where people need to talk normally without affecting others in the rest in the space.
High Sound Absorption distributed throughout the space also significantly reduces flanking noise between rooms, so people can easily talk to each other without disturbing people in the room next door.
Sound absorption is the measure of the energy removed or energy reduction of the sound wave as the wave passes through a given thickness or type of material. Sound absorption is necessary for soundproofing.
While distributing the sound wave into an absorbable material, the sound wave in addition to absorption could also experience sound wave reflection, as energy dissipate and displaces. Dampening or vibration or energy loss results as the energy-dissipated is converted into heat.
Soundproofing makes (a room or building) resistant to the passage of sound or prevents sound from traveling. Soundproofing products block sound from leaving or entering a room, and consist of dense layers inside walls, between floors and above basement ceiling drywall.
Soundproofing ideally occurs in early construction, as it can be a challenge to soundproof a room once the construction is completed.
Sound absorption involves the absorption of sound. Sound absorption happens when the sound waves is absorbed by a material Sound absorption enhances the space’s sound quality as it reduces unwanted noise and dampens sounds, like echoes and reverberation vibration. Sound absorption products can be temporary and non-permanent, unlike soundproofing products (and layers). Acoustic fabric wall panels are one such sound absorption product, and this is our focus in this feature.
Sound is created by the vibration of substance and is spread by sound wave produced through the sympathetic vibration of the medium. When sound is spreading, part of it is gradually diffused and part of it is weakened due to the absorption of air molecules, which are more apparent in the open air; but in indoors sound is much less diffused or weakened, instead it is mainly absorbed by the surface of materials.
When a sound wave meets the surface of a material, part of it is reflected, part of it passes through the material, and the rest of it is transferred to the material. The part of sound wave transferred to the material enters the pores of the material and causes the friction and viscosity resistance between the air molecules and the wall of pores, thus certain part of sound energy is converted into heat energy and is absorbed in this way.
The sound absorption coefficient is used to evaluate the sound absorption efficiency of materials. It is the ratio of absorbed energy to incident energy and is represented by α. If the acoustic energy can be absorbed entirely, then α = 1
NB: The air gap between the acoustic layer and the space behind increases the sound absorption coefficient value in the mid and higher frequency ranges
The density of the acoustic material is also important. Less dense and more open structures absorb the sound of low frequencies (500Hz) while the denser structures perform better for frequencies above than 2000 Hz range
The fact that you can hear sounds 'around corners' and 'around barriers' involves both diffraction and reflection of sound. Acoustic diffraction helps sounds 'bend around' corners or through door openings, allowing us to hear others who are speaking to us from adjacent rooms. A great example of acoustic diffraction is ripples of water reaching an object or obstruction of different sizes. Wave formation 'bend around' varies. All waves display diffraction, not just sound waves.
Sound waves reflect off harder surfaces the same way snooker balls bounce off the edges of a pool table—the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. A sound wave hitting a flat wall at 45° will reflect off it at 45°. These bounces will continue back and forth until the sound wave has dissipated by inefficient reflection (called damping) of the surfaces along with the normal dissipation of the sound waves themselves.
A NRC is an average rating of how much sound an acoustic product can absorb. An NRC of zero means that the product absorbs no sound. An NRC of 1 means that the product absorbs all the sound. The higher the NRC, the better the product is at absorbing the sound.
A .90 or .95 NRC rating. A Noise Reduction Coefficient of .90 or .95 means our panels are big sound absorbing sponges, absorbing 90% or 95% of the noise, creating a more pleasantly sounding environment.
Formaldehyde is a colourless, strong-smelling gas. It is widely used in the manufacture of building materials and many other household products.
Some unfortunately are still using it in homes as an adhesive resin in some compressed wood products. Building materials made with formaldehyde resins can radiate formaldehyde gas.
Formaldehyde exposure has various bad side effects Formaldehyde has a link to some forms of cancer in animals and humans.
When present in the air at levels at or above 0.1 ppm, acute health effects can occur including watery eyes; burning sensations in the eyes, nose and throat; nausea; coughing; chest tightness; wheezing; skin rashes; and other irritating effects. The World Health Organization recommends that exposure should not exceed 0.05 ppm.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short - and long-term adverse health effects. Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors. VOCs are emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands.
Organic chemicals are widely used as ingredients in household products. Paints, varnishes and wax all contain organic solvents, as do many cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic, degreasing and hobby products. Fuels are made up of organic chemicals. All of these products can release organic compounds while you are using them, and, to some degree, when they are stored.
The method used to calculate how much sound is reflected in a room by using a metric called the absorption coefficient. The Absorption Coefficient measures of how much sound is absorbed, and is not reflected.
The absorption coefficient ranges between zero and one, one meaning no sound energy is reflected and the sound is either absorbed or transmitted. For example, an opened exterior window has the absorption coefficient of one because no sound returns to the room. An effective absorber will have a sound absorption coefficient greater than .75.