Beautiful frameless and sound-absorbing the lightweight Vertical Baffles are made of high-density glass wool fiber. The surface is coated with a white elegant sound absorption coating with excellent sound absorption characteristics.
The panel is designed to provide a pleasing aesthetic alternative to the ceiling system.
The vertical baffles enhance the overall comfort of the room, provides excellent acoustic comfort and improves the articulation of speech. They are particularly suitable for areas where suspended ceilings cannot be applied.
The vertical baffles signifiantly minimizes background noise and reverberation when a minimum of 40-60% of the m2 of the room space has been fitted with the baffle system
The vertical baffles can be installed with various lighting elements to illuminate a design feature
-No Problem with Live Creative: Poly Fibre Acoustic Fins (Blades) - We can Acoustically Treat Your Office Space and make it look Awesome!
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